Yes the water is safe ! Some people prefer to drink it directly from the lake and some people prefer to boil the water before drinking it, putting some in containers in the fridge (easiest way!).

Other options are: You can use water cleaning tablets.

You can bring a filter (they are around $35 or $45 to purchase) or you can bring in your own water but remember you weight limit on the plane?

We have a flagging program to follow. You will find a board at your cabin, one side is red and the other side is yellow. If there is an emergency (someone hurt, you need gas, your fridge doesn’t work etc.) you place the board at the end of the dock red side face up. Make sure everything else is cleared from the dock (red gas containers, etc., or the pilots may mistake the red flag as a container. All pilots up north know this signal and will communicate the emergency to other planes until the message reaches us.

Normally, we will be flying over every two to three days and if we see or hear there is a red flag, we will stop to see what is the matter. The yellow side is for coming out early. Put the yellow side up only if you wish to come out early. We may fly over and keep going (because we have passengers to drop off) but we will be back as soon as possible to pick you up). You should always bring a first aid kit with you, even in the boats. Propane detectors are in the cabin as well as fire extinguishers.

Yes, portable fish finders are allowed. Sorry, we do not rent them, you must bring your own. Remember, no electricity in the cabins, so you will have to make sure your batteries are fully charged and remember the plane weight limit and it will take up more weight on the plane.

We do, on your arrival, supply you with a map of the lake and where all the walleye and pike usually are found in that lake.

No, only frozen minnows are allowed. This is to stop contamination on the lakes. It is also illegal to trap live minnows at your lake and use them without a license to do so. This also applies to leaches.

You may telephone us and discuss what you want and we can suggest a lake to you, or you can pick the lake you want. We will make up a contract and send it to you stating exactly how much it will cost so that you know you will not have to pay more when you arrive. When we send you the contract we will enclose a self-addressed envelope. This is to send us a 1/3 deposit of the total of your trip to reserve your lake. Or you may send us a little at a time until you pay up the 1/3 deposit.

You are allowed 100lbs per person of luggage. If you go over this weight then you must pay for an overload plane which is $400.00 for 350 lbs. If you are 4 people you can split the cost = $100.00 per person We suggest you take an overload plane if you are thinking about taking a lot of beer up, it will be delivered the same day or the day after. If you exceed 300lbs. you can have an overload plane for 700 lbs which will cost $750.00, if you are 4 people you can split the cost = $187.50 per person.

Some tips for the weight: Take all cans out (except beer), put the product in plastic bags and freeze or put in Tupperware, cans are too heavy. If you have noodles or cereal, put into plastic bags, leave the boxes out. Do not put all your food in big plastic bags to carry in the plane, please use small or medium size boxes, plastic bags break and are awkward to carry and you may lose all your food if the bags rip. Instead of bringing ingredients for a meal, make it and freeze it to bring with you… example, spaghetti, macaroni, meatloaf or casserole.

All lakes require different lures no matter what species you are fishing. This means that what works well for fishing in Pennsylvania (U.S.A.) for instance, will not necessarily work well in Canadian waters.

This is due to numerous factors: the visibility of the water in the lake, the temperature, the depth of the lake, and so forth.

Also important is the species of fish and insects found in the lake that the fish are feeding on. You will want to try to mimic their color, shape, size, etc.

The Best lures for Walleye:

  • Jigs – white or yellow, single or double tailed jigs, with small matching jig heads work best. However, most bright colored jigs, like florescent pink and green are also very good.
  • Salted jigs – which have salt in the interior of them are excellent, as are grubs that resemble leaches- long and black in color.
  • « Thin Fins »,
  • « Hot’n Tot »
  • « Bass plugs »
  • « Dare Devil »
  • « frozen minnows »
  • appâts artificiels
  • Northern Pike:     2 pounds to 35 pounds
  • Walleye:                1 pound to 13 pounds

No, you will have the next 3 years to use your deposit if you should cancel.

We ask for a 1/3 deposit of the price of your package plan for reservations. If you should cancel you are allowed up to 3 years to use your deposit on another trip to Caesar’s North Camps.

There are no telephones at the cabins, nor are cell phones going to work up north. The only way to communicate is with satellite phones. If you promise to call someone on your arrival, please do so when you reach Parent or Clova.

If you wish to leave a phone number with loved ones in case of an emergency (514)247-5922, you will get our secretary who will relay the message up north. Only for emergencies messages please, we must take a plane out to your cabin to give it to you.

Love ones may call the secretary if they have questions about delay departures at the end of your trip due to weather. Make sure you tell them that if you do not arrive at the base camp for your trip, our secretary will call them.

All people living outside of Canada, must now have a passport or the new pass cards now given in the U.S., to get into the country. This applies to our U.S.A. customers as well.

Yes, you should bring your own lifejackets. Lifejackets are mandatory in the boats. Everyone should have one. Our American visitors can have U.S. approved lifejackets since you they will not be staying longer than a month.

Black flies are usually around from May until the end of June and are usually gone by the beginning July. Mostly no black flies in July, none in August, September, and October. Repellents are good for mosquitoes or horseflies, but are not good for black flies, ask at your sports store for a good black fly repellent if you come in May or June.

Each lake has a different number of boats. If your cabin is only good for 4 people, then you will have 2 boats (2 people per boat). If your cabin is good for 8 people, then you will have 4 boats (2 people per boat) and so on. Each boat has unlimited amounts of gas. All trails leading to other lakes have one 4hp. motor and a boat as well on them. If you have 2 extra lakes by trail, you will have 2 more boats and smaller motors waiting for you, one on each lake.

We have new 9.9hp. motors every year for your convenience. By trail to some of the smaller lakes,there are new 4hp. motors.

One good jacket, a good full body raincoat (pants, coat, and hat) a pair of good rubber boots for the rain and for walking to other lakes – (knee- highs are best).

Also check our “Fishing check List” for other important items.

You should also bring:

Insect repellant is always a good idea, as are citronella coils to burn in the cabin for those pesky mosquitoes.

Yes, everyone needs a license for fishing. If you have a fish on a stringer or in the boat, you need at least one person to have a regular fishing license in your boat.

Regular fishing license: Allows you to fish and bring fish home (if you are not on a catch and release lake) and allows you to eat them at your cabin.

Catch and Release license: It is exactly what it says – you are allowed to catch fish, but you must release them. If you are on Catch and Release Lake and have at least one regular license: you can eat some fish on the spot!

Children’s fishing license: If you have children 14 yrs. and under, they are allowed to fish on your license, but the total number of fish to keep remains the same – even if there is more than one child using the same license. If you have one license that allows you to take 8 walleyes at home and you are fishing with 2 children on your license, then you can only take home 8 walleyes and 10 pikes.

Children 15 years and older must buy a license.

If you have a regular license it allows you to keep fish and take them home:

  • 8 Walleye / per person
  • 10 Pike / per person

All catch and release lakes… you are allowed to eat some fish while you are there, but not take any home with you.

You will need at least one person to have a regular license to eat some fish and the rest of your party will need catch and release licenses.

These quotas may be changed from year to year, depending on the Government of Quebec’s Wildlife Management Department.

No, we do not rent any fishing equipment. You must bring your own.

No. If you want a back rest or a seat cushion, you must bring them with you. Our boats are regular 14 or 16 foot fishing boats with flat bench seats running from one side of the boat to the other.

  • May to June / 40 to 74 degrees F.
  • July to August / 60 to 90 degrees F.
  • September to October / 30 to 60 degrees F.

Throughout our entire season, everyone should prepare for both hot and cold weather. Temperatures change very quickly in Northern Canada- you may be in shorts getting a sunburned one day and bundled up in your jacket the next. Typically May and the beginning of June are relatively cold. In mid-June, the temperatures rise and keep rising throughout July and August. August is usually a combination of hot and cool weather and in September the temperatures gradually descend.